I grew up always wanting to be a vet, having a very strong bond with animals and being passionate about their welfare.
During university I took pride in trying to gain as broad and deep knowledge as I could in caring for every animal, being part of a committee that organized extra training in exotic animals, and basing my elective project in my final year on the welfare of dairy cattle in different farming systems.
Since graduating from Cambridge in 2014, I worked in a wildlife hospital for 6 months, before working in various private and charity small animal practices in London. Over this time my relationship with feline patients has blossomed, in no small part due to the arrival of Nigel, a sweet (though occasionally spicy), and initially very nervous, cat who was abandoned at work. Forging a relationship with Nigel, and learning the subtle ways that he expresses himself, has helped me to become a more calming influence to cats in clinic.
Cats are such special and wonderful creatures, and although it is possible to achieve a lot in a normal veterinary practice, noise and the presence of dogs nearby is always going to have a negative impact. Joining TLCC in early 2022 has been an absolute dream come true. The careful design of the clinic, as well as the passion for feline medicine and welfare held by every single member of staff is astounding. I am honored to be a part of the team.
As a vet I particularly enjoy the challenge of interpreting all that an animal is communicating, both through physical signs on clinical exam, behavioral changes at home, and the results of diagnostic tests including imaging, and am currently working towards a certificate in Small Animal Medicine to further hone these skills.
Outside of work, other than spending time with Nigel, I enjoy singing in an a cappella choir, mending things, and climbing.