I grew up in Italy surrounded by animals and nature.
After graduating at University of Padua in 2012 I moved to Portugal where I started my career as a vet.
Working in mixed small animal practices quickly made me realize how much I love working with cats, so when I moved to London in 2019 I dreamed of joining the team at The London Cat Clinic.
Understanding how cats respond differently according to the approach the vet has during the examination and the environment around them made me undertake several courses of feline behavior and welfare to be able to know them better and provide the most sensitive and respectful service they deserve.
My passion for learning brought me in 2018 to get my Certificate in Small animal medicine - GPCert SAM.
The special environment I’m working at the moment gave me the willing of starting a new challenge to also get the Certificate in Feline Medicine.
My areas of main interest are internal medicine and diagnostic imaging, I love ultrasound and I’m very interested in developing stronger skills in echocardiogram as well.
In my spare time I meditate, practice yoga and walk around surrounded by nature taking pictures.
I also spend a lot of time in Italy with my beautiful family and my gorgeous cat Lilla.
I feel blessed and honored of working in such an amazing place like TLCC, surrounded by cats and a fantastic team!