

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea. The cornea will become cloudy and is infiltrated by blood vessels, which may cover the entire surface of the eye. One of the causes might be an infection with the Feline Herpesvirus causing an immune-mediated reaction to the virus deeper in the cornea. A very unique form of keratitis “eosinophilic keratitis” is seen in cats with white-plaques appearing on the surface of the cornea. There is significant vascularization and cloudiness and it may affect the entire cornea in advanced stages. It is believed to be an immune-mediated condition and can be treated with topical anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating medications. It requires long-term and often life-long treatment but in many cases, the cornea will become clear and transparent.

Eosinophilic keratitis
Eosinophilic keratitis. Note the white-pinkish plaques on the cornea.